WM Option and Prime CFDs

Nom WM Option and Prime CFDs
Publiée par Commission des valeurs mobilières du Manitoba
Dernière ville et dernier pays de résidence connus ou lieu d'opération présumé Bucharest, Romania
Documents de référence Link to press release or alert information on issuing jurisdiction's website [7/26/2017 7:08 AM][Anglais]
Note WM Options, www.wmoption.com, PrimeCFDs, www.primecfds.com, Omni Global Solutions SRL, Omni Capital Ltd., Orion Service EOOD, Orion Solutions SRL, and Options XO are not (and never have been) registered in Manitoba to engage in the business of trading securities or advising anyone with respect to investing in, buying, or selling securities. WM Options / PrimeCFDs and their parent companies are allegedly operating out of Bucharest, Romania.